Author Archives: admin

Chef. The Marine Hotel

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Bedien 4 Sous 1 opgekapte ui 1 knoffelhuisie, fyngemaak Gerasperde skil van 12 suurlemoen 2 lourieblare of suurlemoenblare 8 stukkies skrophoender (freerange chicken) Sap van die suurlemoen 2 glase goeie witwyn ‘n bietjie water indien nodig GroenteDie volgende groete of net dit waarvan jy hou of die wat in die kombuis is. Handvol soetrissie, rooi, geel of groen Handvol sampioene Klein piekel uitjies Handvol kersietamaties Pynappelstukkies Murgpampoentjies 3 eetlepels blatjang of appelkooskonfyt Braai die ui, knoffel, suurlemoenskil en lourieblare in ‘n groot kastrol met ‘n bietjie olie.Doen dit oor stadige hitte totdat die ui deurskyend is.Braai nou die 8 stukkies hoender (of meer) tot lekker bruin.Gooi die sap van die suurlemoen en 2 glase witwyn oor en laat stadig prut vir ongeveer 1 uur.Voeg dan die groente bestandele by en kook vir ongeveeer 10 minute (nie papgekookte groente nie).Voeg ‘n handvol koljanderblare by voor opdiening.Bedien maar net ‘n potjie rys…

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Overberg winemaker Peter-Allan Finlayson was rated as the Winemaker of the Year in Tim Atkin’s 2021 South Africa Special Report. Nine of his wines scored 95+ ratings across his Gabrielskloof and Crystallum Wines ranges. The recognition of #TheLandscapeSeries, in particular, bears testimony to the dedication of the entire Gabriëlskloof team and confirms the authentic, distinctive and diverse nature of the sites. The fruit is sourced from some of South Africa’s old vine Chenin Blanc treasures and combined with the unique nature of the Bot River landscape.

The Overberg is proud of local winemaker Marelise Niemann of Momento Wines for her collaboration with African Wines and the Dreamcatcher Foundation. Proceeds from the sale of a limited-edition Chenin Blanc and Grenache Noir wine produced by Marelise will be used to care for terminally ill persons.

Jacqui and Helena Gertsner are the women behind this Pringle eatery. They’ve clocked 25 years of keeping the grill going and the doors open. If you haven’t experienced a meal at Hook, Line and Sinker, you’ve missed out and should make a booking. As published in the Gourmet Guide Spring 2021

The sound of waves crashing against the rocks, a gentle breeze lightly brushes against your skin… This picturesque setting of The Marine Hotel soothes your soul and invites you to enjoy nature in all of its glory, creating the perfect backdrop for the ultimate dining experience.

It is heart-warming to see how hard the Overberg hospitality sector has worked to maintain high levels of service delivery and to note the numerous businesses who have received 2021 TripAdvisor Travellers’ Choice awards. These awards are granted by the world’s largest travel site, trusted because it is populated by the opinion of other travellers. With 500 million reviews we need to celebrate our achievers such as The Gallery Café & Deli in High Street Hermanus as the best restaurant in the Western Cape. A position that has been held for more than a year. Hermanus Hospitality Shining on TripAdvisor The past 18 months has been challenging for the hospitality industry to say the least. Travel and tourism looked different to what we were used to. The trend changed from South Africans taking international flights to exploring towns closer to home. We’ve become reliant on domestic travellers hitting the open…

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They say that the night is always darkest before the dawn. After one of South Africa’s darkest weeks never before has this statement been more true than now. But breaking through that darkness comes the promising light of dawn shining through. That light appears to be our country’s people –regular South Africans who, through their acts of kindness, restore our faith and give us hope that we will overcome this tragedy. They fuel our belief that we can and will Rebuild SA. One such light is Gregory Henderson, chef and owner at Kitchen Workshop in Overstrand in the Western Cape. He is a friend to the tourism and hospitality industry and is always the first to put up his hand and offer help. When Greg heard of the food shortages in Kwa-Zulu Natal, he, like many South Africans, was heartbroken. He turned that heartache into action and was driven to…

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Time and a passion for survival brought Rosemary Truter to where she is today. An accomplished businesswoman in Gansbaai. With 2 months to go before her 80th birthday Rosemary has seen her share of hard work as she has been at it since the age of 15. Directed by her inner voice and without any form of training she has worked at different trades. Living in Cape Town as the wife of a businessman Rosemary went by the name of Rosa Biggie Best entrepreneurs Lynn McAdam contracted Rosemary to make dresses and then quilts before offering her the top floor of their premises to do her sewing for their shop in Cavendish. A day trip to De Kelders was followed by a 3-week holiday and in 1995 Rosemary made De Kelders her home. The people were friendly, it was quiet and crime free. She opened the first guest house called…

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Chef Greg Henderson has been living in Kleinmond since 2017. He has been busy relaunching kitchens and restaurants in East Africa at and had plans to reopen a restaurant back in SA – plans made prior to the COVID19 pandemic. Greg has reimagined his business and is working on a project called The Wild Food Revolution. The concept embraces indigenous foods and aims to establish an indigenous food system with a focus on South Africa’s food heritage. Greg hosted his first pop-up dining event at Rooisand on 22 May 2021 showcasing the wild horses and the ruby red landscape. It was a 4-course indigenous dining experience in collaboration with commercial photographer Bruce Boyd Further pop-up events are planned with artists in unique outdoor venues across the Overberg. www.thewildfoodrevolution.comContact 074 553 6953
